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ATbl - User's manual
1. Foreword
This manual describes release 2.20 of the utility ATbl. This program
is (c)1991-1992 by Denis GOUNELLE, any commercial usage or selling without
author's written authorization is strictly forbidden. You can copy and
spread this program at the following conditions:
- all the files must be provided
- none of the file must have been modified
- you don't charge more than $6 for copy fee
In spite of several tests, no warranty is made that there's no
errors in ATbl. YOU USE THIS PROGRAM AT YOUR OWN RISKS. In no event will I
be liable for any damage, direct or indirect, resulting of the use of ATbl.
2. Introduction
ATbl is a complete and powerful program for table formatting, with
three output modes :
TXT (text mode) very ugly, but may be useful for previewing
or testing.
PRT (printer mode) much better output quality, but your
printer must be able to print IBM graphics characters.
IFF (IFF mode) the best result, as you can use every
standard font, even proportional, and choose front and
back pen colors. Crossing between vertical and
horizontal lines are optimised as much as possible. The
output is a regular IFF file that can be load by any
decent word-processor or desktop-publishing program.
ATbl is inspired by the "tbl" utility you find usually under UNIX
system, and by some others works Guillaume GIROD and I have done. My aim was
to make table formatting as simple as just typing the data to put is the
table. This works for TXT and IFF output mode, but for the PRT mode you'll
have to specify at least two parameters.
You can send me your suggestions and criticism writing to:
Boite 71
6, rue des cailloux
The IFF file generation is based upon the "ScreenSaver" program,
from "Amiga News Tech" issue number 24 (Jul/Aug 1991).
3. A quick demonstration
Run your favorite text editor, and type in a few lines of data,
Slayer <tab> Seasons In The Abyss <tab> 1990
<tab> South of Heaven <tab> 1988
Iron Maiden <tab> Fear Of The Dark <tab> 1992
<tab> Somewhere In Time <tab> 1986
Anthrax <tab> Persistence Of Time <tab> 1990
Coroner <tab> Mental Vortex <tab> 1991
The <tab> notation stands for one tabulation character. If your editor
replaces tabs by spaces, use "/" instead, and add the line ".tc /" at the
beginning of the file.
Now save this file. Run ATbl from the CLI, typing "ATbl <your file's
name> TXT". You'll get something like this:
| Slayer |Seasons In The Abyss|1990|
| | Hell Awaits |1985|
|Iron Maiden| Fear Of The Dark |1992|
| | Somewhere In Time |1986|
| Anthrax | Persistence Of Time|1990|
| Coroner | Mental Vortex |1991|
Now go back to your editor, and add the line ".ad llc" at the beginning of
the file. Save it, and run ATbl again. The result is now:
|Slayer |Seasons In The Abyss|1990|
| |Hell Awaits |1985|
|Iron Maiden|Fear Of The Dark |1992|
| |Somewhere In Time |1986|
|Anthrax |Persistence Of Time |1990|
|Coroner |Mental Vortex |1991|
Last demonstration: from you editor, add the following lines at the
beginning of your file.
.ad css
Some Great Albums
Save the file, and call ATbl once more. The result should be:
| Some Great Albums |
|Slayer |Seasons In The Abyss|1990|
| |Hell Awaits |1985|
|Iron Maiden|Fear Of The Dark |1992|
| |Somewhere In Time |1986|
|Anthrax |Persistence Of Time |1990|
|Coroner |Mental Vortex |1991|
4. Reference Manual
ATbl is invoked via the following CLI command:
ATbl inputfile {TXT|PRT|IFF} [outputfile]
The input file is the file to be processed in order to produce the table.
The second argument specifies the output mode. The output file is optional:
if not specified, output will go to standard output in TXT mode, to printer
in PRT mode, but no IFF file will be produced in IFF mode.
The input file contains both your data and the parameters for
formatting the table. Your data is a set of lines, with the text of each
column separated by a tabulation character (this separation character can be
changed). Vertical lines are automatically drawn between each columns. The
parameters are specified by "requests": they must be given on a separate
line, beginning with a period (.) character.
Here is the list of the requests. The string in brackets after the
request names is made of :
* this request can only be used BEFORE any data line
T used only in TXT output mode
P used only in PRT output mode
I used only in IFF output mode
ad ADjust
Syntax : ad str
Description: specifies text adjusting in columns. Each character in
"str" applies to the corresponding column, and may be one of :
l left aligned
r right aligned
c centered
s this column is the continuation of the previous column
an Auto-NewLine
Syntax : an {0|1}
Description: enables (1) or disables (0) automatic generation of a "nl"
request after each line of text
as After String [*P]
Syntax : as str
Description: specifies the printer sequence to go back in "normal" Amiga
mode. "str" is a list of decimal character codes, separated by spaces.
bp Back Pen [*I]
Syntax : bp n
Description: specifies back pen color ("n" is a color register number).
bs Before String [*P]
Syntax : bs str
Description: specifies the printer sequence to go in "special" IBM mode.
"str" is a list of decimal character codes, separated by spaces.
cw Column Width [*]
Syntax : cw n m
Description: enforces width of column "n" to "m" characters (or pixels
in IFF mode).
fp Front Pen [*I]
Syntax : fp n
Description: specifies front pen color ("n" is a color register number).
ft FonT [*I]
Syntax : ft name size
Description: selects font for writing text.
hl Horizontal Line
Syntax : hl car [col]
Description: specifies horizontal lines aspect. The character "car" may
be one of:
b no line
- single line
= double line
The optional "col" argument is a list of column numbers separated by
comas. If missing, all columns are concerned.
lm Left Margin [*]
Syntax : lm n
Description: asks for a left margin of "n" characters (or pixels in IFF
nl New Line
Syntax : nl
Description: draws an horizontal line.
np Number of Planes [*I]
Syntax : np n
Description: specifies number of planes to ask for ATbl's screen.
ph Page Height [*I]
Syntax : ph n
Description: specifies page height in pixels.
pw Page Width [*I]
Syntax : pw n
Description: specifies page width in pixels.
tc Tab Character
Syntax : tc [car]
Description: changes column separator character to "car". If missing,
the default character is assumed (tab).
tp Text Pen [I]
Syntax : tp n [col]
Description: specifies text pen color ("n" is a color register number).
The optional "col" argument is a list of column numbers separated by
comas. If missing, all columns are concerned. Please note that the "fp"
request modifies color of all columns.
vl Vertical Line
Syntax : vl car [col]
Description: specifies vertical lines aspect. The character "car" may be
one of:
b no line
| single line
# double line
The optional "col" argument is a list of column numbers separated by
comas. If missing, all columns are concerned. The column 0 is the left
xx comment
Syntax : xx str
Description: enters comment.
5. The IFF mode
When you ask for IFF output mode, ATbl opens a special screen. The
size of this screen is either the size given by the ".pw" and ".ph" requests
or the size of Workbench screen. Default number of planes is one, and table
is drawn in color 0 on a color 1 background. Number of planes and colors to
use can be modified with the ".np", ".bp", ".tp", and ".fp" requests.
The mouse pointer is changed to a "Zz" bubble while the table is
drawn, and the IFF file generated. Just click on left mouse button to get
the next page (if any), or on right mouse button to exit.
6. Workbench call
ATbl can be runned from the Workbench. Output mode will be set to
"IFF mode", and no output file produced. Actually, Workbench call has been
added only to allow table viewing directly from Worbench. All you have to do
is to create a "Project" icon for your source file, and to put ATbl path in
the "Default Tool" field.
7. History
v1.00 16-Nov-91, 14864 bytes (Fish #583)
o First released version.
v2.00 24-Aug-92, 19324 bytes
o Recompiled with SAS/C 5.10b (with pragmas and optimization)
o Doesn't need "iff.library" anymore
o A lot of bugs fixed (no more Enforcer/Mungwall hits)
v2.10 07-Sep-92, 20760 bytes
o Can be called from Workbench
o Added "an" and "tp" requests
v2.20 16-Sep-92, 21460 bytes
o ".ph" and ".pw" request no longer required in IFF mode
o In PRT mode, output is send to printer if no output file is given
o Display usage if bad arguments or no argument given.
o The "atbl.font" font is now in atbl executable, thanks to
"FontConverter" (c)1992 by Andreas Baum.
v2.30 26-Sep-92, 21816 bytes
o Corrected 's' adjusting (column width wasn't good)
o Intuition messages management modified